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Our fans!

Faaaan US!!

Proudly broadcast by... Love Bytes Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ok, everyone, we need to do something about this measley number of Facebook fans that we have!! So, here is some motivation for you all! We'll give a $50 Ankle Biters voucher to the person who can get the most number of new fans to our page!! Here's what you need to do to enter:

1. Send a suggestion to your friends to become fans of the Ankle Biters Facebook page.

2. When you send the suggestion, ask them to post on our wall and say who referred them here, after they've become a fan.

3. Tell them about the comp, and let them know that as a special bonus, we'll give a $5 Ankle Biters voucher to EVERY new fan that the winner of our comp signs up!

Ok, so yes, this could potentially send us broke, but it COULD potentially be a lot of fun too!

Oh, and one more thing, if we reach a grand total of 1000 fans by this Sunday, 15th November (which is STEVE IRWIN DAY!!), we'll give away another Kids On Roof "House" that everyone was clambering to get their hands on during our 500th Order promo that we just had over the weekend! The winner will be drawn randomly from all of our fans!

So get "suggesting" people, I wanna see our fans GROOOOWWWW (unlike my oregano plant that I just found Neo helping himself to this morning!)...

Our Facebook Page


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