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Our failed facelift!

Proudly broadcast by... Love Bytes Monday, November 17, 2008 0 responses


Well, hi everyone!
You will have all probably noticed by now that our promised "facelift" at the Ankle Biters Duds website didn't happen!

Well, we can thank Mother Nature for this. We were hit in full force by all of her fury this past weekend, and as a result, our suburb was without power, phone, internet etc for a few days. Our schools were closed too.

Personally, we didn't fair too badly, except for the next door neighbours trampoline that ended up stuck on our fence and the MASSIVE gum tree that landed in our back yard too! Interesting stuff, as you can see by the pics here.
Ok, so all kind of went by the wayside as we were in damage control to help with the clean up, and to make our home comfortable with candles, ice etc. The kids were pretty freaked out by it all, but there were people much worse off than us, and the Army, and Goverment have been very helpful in putting things back together.
Sooo, in saying all of this, we have re-evelatuated our planned facelift and promotions, and will put it all into action NEXT Monday instead!

We will continue to trade this week, and will close again on this Friday, 21st November, 2008. We will complete our website "renovations" during Saturday and Sunday, to re-open again, on Monday, 24th November, with a great new look, new products and a whole stack of wonderful promotions and freebies, just as we had promised to do so this week!
Sorry everyone for any inconvenience, and we hope that it is all worth the wait when, come Monday, 24th November, a whole new Ankle Biters Duds is unveiled!

First Post!!

Proudly broadcast by... Love Bytes Monday, November 10, 2008 0 responses

Well, here we are, our inaugural Ankle Biters Duds blog entry!
Oh, yes, and here I am with my new little man, Neo. ------------------------------>

We have finally added a blog to our website as our home page is getting progressively more cluttered and I think that this would be a better way of keeping you all informed about the goings on at Ankle Biters Duds.
I will use this blog to let you all know about the specials, promotions and new products available in our store. I will also use it to broadcast changes to our website, competitions and extended product information that isn't on our website. Of course, it wouldn't be me if I didn't have the ocassional post here that was for no other reason than because I am feeling chatty at any given time! :)
And so, without further ado, I officially declare this blog to be...
O P E N!!

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