This might seem like a simple question to some, but for me, it isn't. I have this stigma attached to me, thanks to my immediate family, that I "change my mind" all the time and that I have this inability to "stick with things".
However, I am just so sick of struggling. I work, tirelessly. I mean, tirelessly. From the moment I open my eyes, to the moment that I can no longer keep my eyelids from closing and I am falling asleep at my keyboard. I am working around the clock - being a mum to 5 kids, a wife, a friend to those around me who need my help, a conservationist, a housekeeper, the owner/operator of a physical store, the owner/operator of an online store, a student at Uni, and lately, a photographer once again; listed in order of my personal priority, but not necessarily acted upon that way.
....and through it all, where has it gotten me? Well, we are in the process of completing all that is involved in filing for bankruptcy. My mother has disowned me. My children are yearning for some mummy time, my poor husband is severely neglected. It is now a "normal" occurence for us to check who the caller is when our phone rings and we have a rule that it isn't answered if it comes up as private, because it usually means another bank or debt collector hassling us for money that we don't have. My house is a shambles and my poor kids have been living on takeaway and rummaging through the mountains of clean washing that I just can't seem to get folded, simply to find a pair of matching socks for school. My Uni, again, is going by the wayside and another subject about to be failed - not because it is too hard, but because I simply can't fit it into my day to even open a book and read a single page. By the very skin of our teeth, we have SOMEHOW managed to convince our landlord to have some faith in us and not to evict us for the $3000 in back rent that we owe.
There is so little of "me" left in ME. In happier times, I was sooo passionate about my photography, so energised by it. SO in love with my kids, and my husband. So ready to fight the fights that the environment needs us to. SO impassioned about child safety and child protection that I wanted to devote my life and my studies to it. SO ready to take on the world and to share with it all of these talents that people keep telling me I supposedly possess.
Now, I am downtrodden and deflated. I am tired, no, exhausted. Nothing energises me any more, and few things, apart from my kids, make me feel alive or bring a smile to my face. I mean, I have had dark times before, I have been on antidepressants for about 4 years now, but never, have I felt so defeated. Everything that I do seems to be just fruitless. It's 1 step forward and about 20 billion backwards. I am cynical, and distrusting. I am angry and volatile. The person that used to be known to many as "bubbly" and "exuberant" is now flat and aloof.
So, when is it time to admit defeat? When is it ok to simply throw my arms in the air and say "that's it! it's over! no more!". When is it ok to say, "right, shut it down. get rid of it all. clear it out and let the debt collectors come and deal with it"? When is it ok to be TRULY selfish, and say, "you know what? I'm over it. I'm over it all."
Should I just package up the stock that I have here that is unpaid for and send it back to the suppliers? Let our bankruptcy trustee try and sell the leftover stuff and pay out some of the poor suffering creditors that we owe money to? Should I just throw it all to the wind and forget what we are trying to build and the message that we are so fruitlessly trying to spread? I just know that if I did, in 5 years time, I'll look back and "know" that we could have been one of the booming eco-businesses - the same old adage - "coulda, shoulda, woulda".
My own conscience simply doesn't allow me to feel that I could hold my head up and be proud of who I am if my own actions result in a detrimental effect on others - meaning, I know that alot of my suppliers are struggling themselves and how can I simply send back our stock and expect them to wear it? Or likewise, allow them to be added to our creditors lists and simply write off our debts to them. But, at the same time, is it fair to walk around under a storm cloud and snap at my kids when they simply want to ask for a second of attention from their mummy, because of all of the stress I am living through? It is not their fault, they are just little kids and it was my choice to bring them into this world. They didn't choose to have a mum who doesn't know when to say "no" and who keeps taking risks in the hope that one day things will turn around.
How long are we expected to try and "stick it out", amassing more and more debt in the hope that "things will improve"?
You know, we are not greedy by any stretch. I sat here and heard a news report saying that Sarah & Lachlan Murdoch just bought a house in Sydney for $23m. Where is the justice in that? I mean really?! Can they honestly say that they work harder than us? Do they realise that they could be just as comfortable in a $1m house and could feel amazing if they spread the remaining $22m around to other families who need homes?
I'd be SO happy to simply be able to pay our rent, and our kids music lesson fees and to maybe be able to afford to go to the movies once in a while without having to spend the next 2 months recovering from the "frivolity" of spending money on a night out.
Is this the end of Ankle Biters? I don't know, but what I do know is that I can't go on like this for much longer. I need to stop this before there truly is nothing of "ME" left of "ME", because if we have nothing material to give, and then I have nothing of "ME" left to give, then what of my children? What do I have to offer them? What can I teach them about optimism and humanity? Children learn by example. It's an old cliche, but it's true. I know this as I've seen it and it is what all of my developmental psychology text books tell me. So what sort of example am I showing to them? "Hey kids, the meaning of life is this - run yourself into the ground, earn yourself a bad reputation and amass lots of debt. Ignore all of your personal needs and those of your family. This is the meaning of life - this will set you free".
Hmmmm, I think not. I think that something has to give, and that for once, I need to simply forget about the reactions of others that keep seeping into my thoughts and just say "to hell with it, it's all gotta go!".
Don't give up!!!
You believed in it in the start YOU Can do it!
We believe in you too
Jen x
Ahh, you sound like you are between a rock and a hard place! When is enough enough... such a hard question to answer, especially for someone else as we all have different ideals, and ability to deal with stress and hardship.
I hope you find your answer soon as it does not sound like you are having much fun at the moment. At the end of the day we only live once and what is really important has to be the priority!
I believe that the meaning of life is to achieve true happiness and to leave the world a better place. Look at everything around you and ask yourself "do I love this? does it make me happy?" if you can't get 2 out of 2 then it should go. If you aren't making a return then calling it quits isn't giving up, its making a sensible business decision. You aren't benefiting anyone by being a martyr.
In the great words of Dr Seuss - those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way. :)
Hang in there... Hope all turns out well for you
At this point, I'd say do whatever you need to do to get your life back. There's no point in killing yourself to keep Ankle Biters going if it's not making you any money and it's not making you happy. It sounds from your post like you already know what you want to do, it's just that you're worrying about what others may think - which is pointless, really. I hope you can come to a decision that you're at peace with :)
Tan - Just pack it all up & be a MUM.... When the kids grow up you want them to remember doing things with you & how happy there childhood was... You don't want them to remember you by the fact that you were always to busy.... No one will judge you, just do what's right for your kids & you & Steve, because kids are not kids for long enough... Soon the kids will be gone & you will be sad & lonely
Where do you live? It breaks my heart to read this..I'm going through bad times but realise how lucky I am. I'd love to help in some way..I can't offer much...but maybe can help in some small way...
Please keep your chin up. I know it's easy for others to say that..but hopefully one day it will all be in the past......
Best wishes,
As someone who has met you through Ankle Biters I'd hate to see you have to pack it up and move on, but, you have to do what is right for both you and your family. Your gorgeous kids need be you, and not someone who has been defeated and become cynical. By the same token, we, your customers are so very grateful for what you do - provide quality products and have a great chat!
Go back to that list at the beginning of your post - the list of what's important to you.... Look at it and prioritize again... There is so much that you are trying to do that you aren't really able to achieve what you desire for any of them. Work out what is a must and concentrate on those. Give yourself the space to be good at those things and you can add the others in as life permits. This is not failure or even quitting, you are just putting some things 'on hold for now'. You need to look at the longer term... You have a lifetime to change the world and you have your kids to help you. Teach them the values that are important to you and you will continue to achieve through them.
Tan..for as long as I have known you..which would have to be round the 20 year mark..You have always had great ideas and are ale to accomplish whatever you set your mind to! I have watched you succeed in many things and you are the most enthusiastic, driven person I know! When children come into the plan, it changes things..BIG time as you are well aware..5 times over..haha... For now it is about them and not about fullfilling your desire to better their lives in a material way (which we are all guilty of wanting to do) I know you want what is best for them, but YOU are what is best for them. With 5 kids you really dont have time to do all the things that you said you are doing right now and to tell you the truth...I had NO idea that was humanly possible, once again you have proven to be an inspiration for accomplishing what you want to do in life, I wish I had your driving force! Im not even going to attempt anything until all of my kids are in school.. their childhood will be gone before I know it. Sometimes I think that I have accomplished nothing in my life, no Uni degree, no real job or career ambitions..really what is there to me? But even if I did have an inkling of what id like to do with my life, I realise I am already doing it with Ava, Hollin and Nayte..and Matt of course. When they are all at school in about 4 years time, I'd like to do a teaching degree..or invent an ozone layer fixeruper machine..its on my list. For now, let them take what they want, you'll be ok, concentrate on you and your kids and hubby. Im sure you still have a million ideas waiting to be put to good use, they can wait a few more years to surface..write them all down get them, imagine the shit you'd have written down in 4 or 5 years time..haha..I'd like to see that!! I love you lots and think about you all the time, I'm off to make cupcakes with Hollin, I have my sisters kids while shes in Brissy seeing Brit spears..we also have 2 friends coming over for a kids in total, not including the neighours kids which will pop over too.. at least I can give them all back at the end of the day..haha..take care! Im hear for an ear bashing if you need to release one..
Fred xoxoxoxoxoxox