And the winner is....
Tahne sent a grand total of at least 9 new fans to our Facebook page, and as such, she has won a $50 gift voucher to the Ankle Biters store - to use either online or in our physical store!
Thanks so much for your support Tahne!
....And as promised, all of the lovely gals that Tahne recruited for us, will also receive a $5 store credit. These ladies are:
Kirsten Smith
Lee Farrell
Selina Huntley
Sophie Wicksteed
Catherine Farrugia
Michelle Richards
Rebecca Jenkinson
Jessica Krop
Allison Bambrick
Those of you who have ordered from us in the past have already had your customer accounts credited with the $5.00 that we promised. Those of you who have not, will receive yours if you ever do! :)
Thanks so much for "fanning" us everyone, it is great to know that our name is getting "out there"!
tan and the ankle biters.
hon, I LOVE winning things ( dont we all??) and i love that I got so many fans for you- but Id like to donate my voucher back to you - I know how hard things have been for you....May this be the beginning of better things to come xxxx
Ha! Not on your nelly, little lady! Your request is DENIED! Now you get your butt down here (or onto our website) and spend the $50 you rightfully earned! I am a woman of my word, and you deserve it. I have had many new customers because of you and the wonderful things that you share about Ankle Biters, and are more grateful than one little $50 voucher can show you! The numbers speak for themselves! You and the 9 gals you encouraged to sign up will all receive the prizes as promised. :) No arguments, you hear?!? :)