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Just found this AWESOME article on

Proudly broadcast by... Love Bytes Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share these two great articles that I found on Treehugger is a fantastic website which publishes articles on new products and issues relating to all things green, and is a great read!

So, check out these articles...

Why Second-hand is healthier for your Baby - We know that buying organic and/or recycled is the healthiest choice for your baby and the environment, but for those on a budget, buying second-hand is great too!

How To Go Green:Babies - This one, I found from a link on Treehugger, on the Planet Green website.

And here is an eye-opening extract from the Planet Green article:

"Green Babies: By the Numbers

6000: The number of diapers the average baby uses before potty training.
200 to 500: Years it takes petroleum-based disposable diapers to decompose.

49 million: The number of disposable diapers used per day in the United States; Australia uses 2.2 million, Japan uses 6.7 million, and the U.K. uses 9 million.

53 percent: A home-washed cloth diaper has only 53 percent of the ecological footprint of disposables, and a diaper laundry service has a mere 37 percent of that footprint.

$1.4 billion per year: The estimated amount of money Americans spend on complicated births due to smoking while pregnant."

Now, I'm no scientist, but those are some very alarming numbers! Are you doing your bit to help ease the burden on our planet...?

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