Sadly, we have just become the victims of credit card fraud due to a dishonest customer making regular large purchases using stolen credit cards. As such, we are currently unable to accept credit cards via our secure server or telephone as we are putting different measures in place to ensure that this does not happen again. In the meantime, we have switched back to accepting Paypal for those customers wishing to use credit cards to complete their payments.
Additional to this, we will no longer be accepting international orders without prior arrangement.
The team here at Ankle Biters sincerely apologises for any inconvenience that these two decisions may cause, however with our new physical store opening soon, this could not have come at a worse time for us. We are a small business simply wishing to support the needs of our young family and wanting to find good in all of the people we deal with. Sometimes, however, these wishes are taken advantage of and we find ourselves in a situation like the one we now face.
On a more personal level, we feel gutted that the "customer" who committed this crime against us repeatedly passed on their "good wishes" to our children whilst they were sick, all the while knowing that their actions could very well threaten our livelihood and our ability to provide even the most basic of needs for our kids.
If you are the person who did this and are reading this, we sincerely hope that you are unable to sleep at night knowing that your actions have put our family into a very dark place! We now have an extremely long road ahead of us if we ever want to build any kind of financial security for our children, which is the main reason that we built Ankle Biters in the first place. Our joy and hope at being able to run a business that enabled me to stay at home and be a mum to our kids whilst earning a steady income has now been replaced with hurt and frustration as we try to make ends meet. We try to see the good in all people on our planet, but it is people like you that make us question it, and for this we are deeply saddened.
Please watch this space for further updates as we embark on a legal battle against the perpetrators of the fraud and the bank who provides our merchant facilities. We will be fighting tooth and nail to rectify this situation and hopefully to set a precedent to the many other small, online businesses who are being taken advantage on a daily basis as we were. We acted in good faith to provide beautiful products to our "customer" and followed all of the security measured that we had been taught, but still became victims. Our bank is unswayed in their claim that we must now return all of the lost funds and we will be pulling out all stops to seek justice for ourselves and our kids.
Thank-you, Tanya, Steve and the five little Ankle Biters.
This is sickening when people betray the trust of their fellow human beings. I have sent you an email.
Keep positive, it's all you can do and hope justices wins out!
I am so sorry to hear that this has happen to you. It is not fair and nobody should now have to go what you are going through.
Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to help.
Thanks for your support guys, we'll be sure to keep you posted as to what comes out of this. Hopefully we can find *something* good in it... :(
I am so sorry Tan... pls let me know how I can help you and your family ... Lou xox
Unfortunately you probably won't get anywhere. I remember the first time we were stung and it really hurt. I took it as far as I could which included the police searching the premises but to no avail.
You are best to learn from this event, read all the information you can lay your hands on about internet fraud and move on making sure it doesn't happen again. Using a payment system with a fraud scoring system is your best bet; Paypal probably your worst (all our chargebacks came via Paypal). Good luck and commiserations as I know exactly how you feel!