Hi everyone!!
Welcome to a New Year!
Ok, I am doing away with the fancy formatting for this post and just going to type as I have a million things to share...
Baby Jogger...
I sincerely apologise to those customers who are STILL waiting on their City Mini Parent Consoles. I have just been informed by the distributor, that although they DID receive stock of them, however, the stock that they received wasn't enough to fill all back-orders that they had, so there are still a few outstanding. As well as this, they are also out of stock of Belly Bars and the Toddler Seat. Again, I apologise sincerely to those who are still waiting. It is an Australia-wide shortage and it seems that there is simply no stock anywhere in Australia of either of these products.
Additional to this, there is currently NO STOCK of ANY City Elite Single, City Classic Single Strollers or Performance Double Strollers.
For ALL BabyJogger orders placed in the previous week - we have just been notified that they are a little behind on dispatching them, due to a back up from a very busy pre-Christmas period. If you have ordered a BabyJogger stroller in the past week or fortnight, please do not be alarmed if you have not received it yet, they are working hard to get them all out to you and yours won't be far away!
Lastly on the BabyJogger front, they have just announced that as well as the orange colourway, they are now discontinuing the green in the City Mini Series. This means that there will now be four gorgeous colours to choose from - the stone, the black, the blue and the red/black.
Sorry for the inconvenience on the out of stock items guys, but you will all receive any items that you have ordered, as soon as they become available. I am not sure of the expected date of the next container arriving, but will post it here as soon as I do!
Name That Panda Comp - extended!!
Due to it's popularity at our recent Market Stalls at Southbank, we have decided to extend the closing date of our Name That Panda competition! All of the details of the comp remain the same, except that we will now be announcing a winner on 10 February, 2009, right here on this BLOG!
So if you thought you had missed out on your chance to enter, please take the time to come up with some names for our cute little ambassadors and email them to us!
New Products!
Yes, we have added even MORE products to our range over the previous fortnight! We will go into more detail in our newsletter that will go out later on tonight, but just briefly, you can now find the following items on our website:

- A larger range of O'BON eco-friendly stationery and pencils. See here: http://www.anklebitersduds.com.au/store/WsDefault.asp?Cat=Obon
- More stock of ECOtanka, including their brand new "Kooler" covers. See here: http://www.anklebitersduds.com.au/store/WsDefault.asp?Cat=ECOtanka
- More toys!
- 4myearth eco-friendly sandwich and snack pockets, wraps and lead free lunch bags. See here: http://www.anklebitersduds.com.au/store/WsDefault.asp?Cat=4myearth
- DIVINE Aussie made Recycled Paper making kits by Paper-Go-Round.
....and, drum roll please.................
A brand, new, REVOLUTIONARY design of Modern Cloth Nappy, that is taking the UK by storm, known as "The Pop-In"!!
It is ultra fast drying, waterproof, highly absorbant and it's absorbant layers are made from comfortable, eco-friendly bamboo terry! It even has waterproof gussetts to contain leaks!
Please see our January newsletter, The Ridgy Didge, for more details!
Southbank Lifestyle and Kids, Mums and Bubs Markets...

Lastly, I wanted to thank those of you who showed your support to us by visiting us at the Southbank Kids, Mums and Bubs Market last weekend. We had what we consider to be a very successful market and a great day was had by all! Here are some pics to show you just what our display looked like:

We will be attending again tomorrow, for the big Australia Day celebrations, so hopefully, it will prove to be just as successful as last weekend!
Ok, that's it for now, I am sure I have missed something though, so I may post again later on! :)
tan. :)
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