Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to remind you all that these are the last few days for placing BabyJogger orders before their price increase on 24 December. They have announced that the increase will be across the board and will affect all strollers and accessories in their range.
If you're considering purchasing any accessories or strollers, we urge you to get your orders in before this coming Tuesday, 23rd December as any orders received after this date will be charged at the new pricing (although this has not yet been released).
Further to this, previously we advised that orders would not be going out after 17 December from Baby Jogger, however this has been advised and they will be shipping right up until 23rd December for the last minute rush on orders prior to the price increase!
Also, those of you waiting on your City Mini Parent Consoles should have started receiving them this week! Woohoo! If you are still waiting on yours and have not received it by 23rd December, please email us to let us know so that we can follow it up!
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